
Posted on Jan 11, 2022

Performance-driven and motivated Full Stack Developer with 10+ years of extensive experience in participating in all phases of software development. Possess well-developed time management skills and ability to complete all projects within schedule and in a timely manner.

P.S> You can reach me via LinkedIn

Work experience

2021 - Now


Senior Ruby on Rails developer

  • Building and launching next-generation financial services platform for emerging markets.

2020 – 2021


Ruby on Rails and Golang developer

  • As Data Engineer help building best Subscription Data Platform in the world using Ruby on Rails and Golang. Improve ETL processes that fetch subscription and revenue data from various payment APIs and ingest it to Data Platform.

2015 – 2020


Senior Ruby on Rails Full stack - Tech Lead

  • Developed a full-stack web application, “Streaming Guide”, using React and Redux that allows users to explore various streaming providers options and catalog. Provider’s movies and TV shows catalogs is stored on a backend created using Ruby on Rails and PostgreSQL.
  • Developed a hotels booking web app, “Best Hotels”, for individuals looking for curated suggestions when visiting a new place. React with Redux was used to develop the front end which includes variety of filters. The backend, built using Ruby on Rails, Node, Express, and PostgreSQL, takes advantage of well-developed RESTful API, Geospatial searching, and Server Side Rendering.
  • Developed backend API for browser extension. Swagger was used to generate client library. The backend, built using Python, Flask, SQLAlchemy, and PostgreSQL.
  • Developed fashion deals web app, “Top Fashion Guide”, using React and Redux. Products catalogs is stored on a backend created using Ruby on Rails and PostgreSQL.
  • Various Proff Of Concept web apps to measure market size and user interest.

2012 – 2013

Verdom LLC
Lead Developer
Developing edge e-learning software. Manage team of 3 developers and combine DevOps Engineer responsibilities: automate CI and CD with high standarts.

Soft Skills

  • Teamwork
  • Communication
  • Knowledge Transfer
  • Patience
  • Time management
  • Open-mindedness

Technical Skills

  • Ruby and Ruby on Rails – Expert
  • PostgreSQL – Advanced
  • DevOps – Advanced
  • JavaScript - Advanced
  • React - Advanced
  • Redux - Intermediate
  • Python – Advanced (DataCamp – Python Programmer Track)
  • Golang - Intermediate
  • Scala - Curious


2009 – 2011

Siberian State University of Telecommunications and Information Sciences
Master of Telecommunication

2005 – 2009

Volgograd State Technical University
Bachelor of Information Technology